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麗水酒店VI設計 文字不是唯一的改變在此麗水標志設計

lishuijiudianVIsheji wenzibushiweiyidegaibianzaicilishuibiaozhisheji

來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2011-08-08 22:39:34 查看次數:

The lettering is not the only change in this logo design; a new image has been added as well. 麗水酒店VI設計文字不是唯一的改變在此麗水標志設計,增加了一個新的形象。This shape is abstract, a swirling loop that roughly seems to be a stylized letter A, although it has only the loosest connections to the letter. 這種形狀是抽象的東西,一種旋轉環,大致似乎是一個V程式化一封,盡管只有的關系而言,信。The curved shape adds to the friendly feeling of this new logo design while the swoosh-y shape gives it a feeling of movement and change that is essential for a company in this fast moving industry. 曲線形狀增加親切感這一新的標志設計swoosh-y形狀時,給它一個感覺運動和變化是公司所必不可少的快速移動的產業。The logo design is animated in many of the television and internet commercials for the company, adding a new and mobile dimension that was sorely needed.動畫的麗水標識語設計是在許多電視和互聯網廣告公司,添加一個新的和移動的空間,是急需的。

This logo design is certain to help Airtel be more competitive, and it comes at a time when the company badly needs a professional logo that can resonate all over the globe. 麗水酒店VI設計這個標志設計是一定要幫助Airtel更有競爭力,是當時公司急需一個專業的標志,可以產生共鳴遍及全球。With an estimated 200 million customers spread over nineteen countries, Airtel is now the largest mobile carrier in India and the fifth largest on the globe. 估計有2億客戶遍及國家,Airtel現在最大的移動通信運營商在印度和第五大的花蓮。The new logo is being rolled out with several changes, including a free new ringtone created by the composer from Slumdog Millionaire.新商標被推出了與一些改變,包括一個自由創造新的鈴聲由作曲家從Slumdog富翁。

While the old logo design was recognized throughout the world, it was clearly time for a British makeover. 當舊麗水標識設計被遍布世界各地,這顯然是時間的英國造型。Does the UK logo design live up to the reputation that our country has earned throughout the globe? 英國是否標志設計實現的聲譽,我們的國家在全球已經贏得了嗎?We think it does. 我們認為它是我的。This logo design will help Airtel reach out to its diverse and constantly expanding customer base while giving it a brand that can be recognized in a variety of media. 這個標志設計將幫助Airtel延伸到其多樣化以及不斷擴大的客戶基礎,同時給出了一個品牌可以識別的各種媒體。If you need a UK logo design or branding makeover from a professional British logo designer, contact us today.如果你需要一個英國品牌標志設計或改造英國標志從麗水專業設計師,請與我們聯系。

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://www.yase884.cn 作者:先鋒)

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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI設計網( http://www.yase884.cn )
    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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酒店logo設計,高爾夫標志設計,商標設計,麗水酒店VI設計 文字不是唯一的改變在此麗水標志設計