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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2011-09-26 23:19:04 查看次數:





    Photography and design VI design association of the Road!

    Photography business associated with the importance of VI design, when a company's products produced after the publicity of his excellent it is very important, business-to-business product photography image design, this product is to keep photography According to the VI design of the auxiliary screen with graphics and product up to be very coordinated, enterprise VI design, or book design promotion, and product photography are very much interrelated and need to combine product promotion theme, the product properly shown.

    In the hotel industry, hotel lobby and rooms is very important to the performance, a performance of the screen, and select the perspective development, advocacy of space, so that customers feel very comfortable here, very high grade, the hotel's lobby is very bright, VI design image of the hotel, the hotel is through the image of the identification plate photography to a high level of performance out of the hotel, in short, the hotel need to promote high-end photography to the level required to show the essence of the hotel, gas, God.

    Hotel photography in the country are mostly patting the empty room, where it should to study abroad, the hotel is the service industry, service characteristics should be taken out of the hotel, the hotel service to beat out every detail, even the hotel housekeeping staff to the degree of detail must all reflect the hotel every employee, including the cleaners are very professional and hard. And make it to every guest feel comfortable and happy.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://www.yase884.cn 作者:先鋒)


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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI設計網( http://www.yase884.cn )
    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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