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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2011-11-04 22:09:42 查看次數:






Restaurant logo design restaurant decorated with the colors of the character positioning.

    Brands in the restaurant design, restaurant logo graphic confirmation is completed, the restaurant is also very important and off color and health, as a brand restaurant, and a good standard color, determines the image of the restaurant, the restaurant's prices and the decision positioning, will bring a certain amount to the restaurant business, customers like the food and beverage industry.

    In the restaurant's color, many of which are due to personal preferences and personality differences are quite different. Many of these private owners will decide the theme, a lot of private owners will do with these things, according to the character, if it is designed according to the company to help with the positioning of the enterprise, then, that is a very successful, in these determine the best prior to do some market research, and then there are competitive companies to make their own Xiangxi contrast, look at each other's superior execution, where the advantages of their own there, so that the business will grow.

    Overall, however, a restaurant with bright light and color should be the main colors, with comfort and quantitative customer crowd. The most suitable is the orange hue of the sisters and the same color. According to these major food and beverage industry is the decision of appetite. These two colors have the effect of stimulating appetite. Most people are some of the habits, to determine the basic characteristics of human nature, they not only give people a warm feeling, but also improve the mood of those meals. However, the overall color, you should also pay attention to the ground color should be deep, the wall can be neutral colors, ceiling colors are Yi Qian, in order to increase a sense of steady. These are also years of experience in the decision.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://www.yase884.cn 作者:先鋒)


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