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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2011-12-14 22:13:50 查看次數:





Tourist attractions and hotel guides system design that guides the system difference

  As tourist attractions and hotel guides system design guides the system of difference between those who actually do, how they are the customs and the relevance it has, here, we mainly need to be aware of is the whole area of the layout design, the hotel is just the entire system in a small part of the guides, mainly indoor based brand design, but the guides in the system design in the area, mainly outdoors, but also pay attention to sprinkle water-resistant design, etc., line of sight of the basic requirements.

     In these designs not only plays publicity, suggesting that the role, and more to emphasize its warmth and humanity, including some of the lighting design of the project, this is mainly devoted to some of our brand creative start, let's design is not from some What changes, such as: signs, plant name, area description, tips (Do not trample on, be careful meet, steep road sly, etc.); these are some tips to pay attention to the details of licensing, as the hotel's main food court display different parts of the day specials and all kinds of dishes and eating habits; to these functions need to reach a certain amount of requirements.

  There is also entertainment and leisure, residential real estate, road traffic, office areas and other guides (instructions) brand, focusing on a way to pass information to indicate the role of guides. Which is mainly in the overall traffic flow, this design is good if not, it will cause congestion, and people who have some experience to the overall planning of the design project. Shenzhen and times will be practical for this situation, to do these things.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://www.yase884.cn 作者:先鋒)


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