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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-03-18 13:10:08 查看次數:

Hotel marketing? The following is a hotel a variety of marketing a new concept (b)
(5) Hotel Internet marketing
    Hotel Internet marketing is based on the Internet for the delivery of digital information and network media to assist the marketing objectives to achieve a new kind of marketing approach. Specifically, the hotel Internet marketing is the hotel through the Internet platform, and direct contact with potential buyers on the Internet, hotel products and services provided to the purchaser, in order to achieve the marketing activities of certain marketing purposes.
6. Hotel concept of marketing
    With the improvement of material living conditions and social and cultural standards of the consumer era with a moment of passion induced to buy a thing of the past. Currently, consumer demand is increasingly complex, the vision has become very picky, and consumers to the concept of difference is closely related to the concept of the existence of friction and conflict. The majority of consumers still lack a clear concept of consumer, basically in the run-in period of the product concept of instability.
    The so-called hotel concept of marketing, the hotel market demand trends into product project development at the same time, the use of persuasion and promotion, the recent trend of consumption and their corresponding product information, cause consumer concern with identity, and to arouse the consumers' new product look forward to a marketing concept or strategy. The hotel concept marketing focus on the combination of rational consumer awareness and positive feelings through the introduction of a new consumer concept to product promotion. The purpose is to enable consumers to form a deep impression on new products and businesses, and establish a distinct usefulness of the concept, characteristics of the concept, the concept of brand image concept, the service concept, which serve multiple purposes, to enhance the competitive strength of the hotel. The hotel concept of marketing that consumers are willing to buy a product instead of buying other products, is to accept the results of the corresponding consumer perception. Products to market from concept contributed to consumer awareness, and attached to the concepts contained in the products and corporate image, and then translated into a specific product or brand concept, in order to arouse consumer desire to buy to invest in the basic condition .
Hotel relationship marketing
    The so-called hotel relationship marketing, marketing activities as a hotel with consumers, suppliers, distributors, competitors, government agencies and other public interaction process, its core is the establishment and development of these public good relationship. Such a good relationship with two-way communication, cooperation, win-win situation, intimacy and control nature, which is a key factor in the success of hotel marketing.
Hotel integrated marketing
    Western-1990s with the rise of the Internet, new media, hotels in select media publicity, facing increasingly diverse situation, at the same time, consumers have also been more and more the impact of new media. How to make better use of the media, more effective use of media to more effectively influence the target market, a more rational use of the marketing mix, as every hotel marketing professionals everyday work problems. Hotels, integrated marketing, comes from the difficulties of solving these day-to-day marketing activities. In order to avoid fighting each other and even conflicting situation in the different media mix, the hotel of the marketing activities integrated into the hotel strategic marketing management target system under better promote the optimization of marketing rate, and lower marketing costs, more more hotels proposed and implemented some form of integrated marketing behavior, passed on to consumers by the marketing mix of hotel a unified and able to represent the singularity behavior of the hotel product or image of the hotel.
    4P compared with traditional marketing, integrated marketing communication theory core 4C, corresponding to the "product" called attention to customer needs and desires, and to provide products that meet customer needs and desires (customer); corresponding to the "price" asked to consider the convenience of customers to buy (earliest convenience); corresponding to the "promotion", requires focus and customer communication (communication). Integrated marketing theory play a significant role to improve the competitiveness and core competencies of hotel enterprises to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises of hotel.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://www.yase884.cn 作者:先鋒)


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