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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-03-29 10:34:59 查看次數:

What factors affect marketing?The meaning and role of the hotel market segmentation.
    The hotel market segmentation is a complex heterogeneity of the hotel market plan is divided into several sub-markets have the same needs, in order to determine the course of activities of the hotel target market, it can make

Hotel efficient allocation and use of limited resources for a variety of marketing and to market unique products and related marketing mix.
    The role of the hotel market segments: 1) conducive to the hotel to look for market opportunities; 2) in favor of hotel marketing strategies; 3) conducive to the hotel to develop a flexible competitive strategy; 4) in favor of hotel

Optimization of resource allocation; 5) is conducive to improve the management of the hotel itself.
Influence the choice of the main factors for target marketing strategies:
   (1) the strength of the hotel's own conditions. Including hotels, financial, physical, technical and information resources, products and marketing mix design capabilities, hospitality management capabilities and promotional ability.
   (2) hotel characteristics of the product. Similar nature for each other a higher degree of strong alternative products, with no difference in the target market strategy to a certain extent; difference for nature than

Large product, it is desirable that the differences or concentration of the target market strategy.
   (3) characteristics of the market demand. Product market of the large degree of heterogeneity in the demand, the general difference or concentration of the target market strategy; and for homogeneity strong product market can

To some extent, no differences in the target market strategies.
   (4) competition in the market situation. Consider the monopoly of the tourist enterprise products, fewer competitors or weak, can be no difference in the target market strategy; if competitors or from the competitive landscape

Should be used differences in concentration of the target market strategy.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://www.yase884.cn 作者:先鋒)

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