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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-05-08 14:43:55 查看次數:


Product pricing objectives to take pricing, hotel product pricing
    In order to achieve the pricing objectives of the hotel, we must accordingly take the appropriate pricing method, that is to develop a basic price of the product to the hotel, and make an appropriate adjustment on this basis. Hotel in the main consideration when pricing the cost of their products, the supply and demand on the market and competition factors. But at different times, different hotel product focus of each factor is different, here we follow these three factors to determine the method for the hotel product prices.
(A) cost-plus pricing
    Cost-plus pricing is priced hotel product cost plus a certain percentage of the bonus amount.
    Product price = each product the total cost * (1 / bonus rate)
    For example: a hotel beverages original cost of $ 10, food and beverage department to develop a cost-plus rate of 40%, the coefficient of the cost of the drink is the reciprocal of 40%, equal to 2.5, so the final price of the drinks is P = 10 * 2.5 = 25.
    Cost-plus pricing method convenient, the basic stability of the market environment, the hotel using this pricing method, can guarantee the normal profit margins. In addition, if the entire hotel industry have adopted this pricing method, the cost of each hotel and addition rates are relatively close to the price set less, the price competition between each other will not be too intense.
    However, this pricing method only consider the cost factor, but did not analyze the elasticity of demand in the market and customer psychology. Therefore, in general, whether in the long-term or short-term use of this approach makes the hotel the most long-term interests.
(B) one-thousandth France
    The fixed assets of the hotel industry is very large, including land, buildings, equipment, facilities, furniture and supplies, etc., the fixed assets of the hotel to the total investment proportion of 70% to 80%. A result, more and more hotel operators, hotel construction cost and the price of the room product is a direct link, the hotel industry know a pricing method based on the experience "one thousandth of the Law is to The architecture of the hotel's total investment amount of the base, according to one thousandth of the total construction cost of the hotel to designate the average price of hotel rooms. The purpose of this pricing method is to require a reasonable return on investment, however, because it does not take into account changes in the market and the hotel business environment changes, so this is only a basis point or reference pricing as hotel operators.
(C) of the target return pricing
    The target return pricing method is a way to the hotel in accordance with the amount of its profits to determine the price of their hotel, the prices of their products is determined by the body's target revenue. The steps of the hotel application of this method is basically as follows:
   (1) to determine the hotel's target rate of return. The hotel's target rate of return is determined by the hotel operator to estimate the target revenue, hotel operators should also consider the level of risk, opportunity cost, as well as competitors' investment yield.
   (2) to determine the total target profit of the hotel
    The hotel's target total profit = total investment of the hotel * hotel target rate of return
   (3) predict their hotel sales or customer demand.
   (4) Calculate the average price of the product.
    Average price per unit of product = (average total cost of the total + target profit) / forecast sales
    Target return pricing method is that it took into account the level of investment and consumption, income, prices, and profits and other factors, can guarantee to achieve the set target rate of return. However, this method has a significant drawback is to consider the relationship between price and demand, therefore, the hotel marketing pricing personnel using this method worked out in the price, can not guarantee the realization of sales, in particular the need for flexibility of a large hotel products, the problem becomes more prominent.



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