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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-05-20 14:38:50 查看次數:


Hotel marketing increase or decrease in the efficiency of the status and role of the hotel brokers
    The hotel can be sold directly to final consumption of guests, the unit profit is relatively high, and marketing channels, the most direct and effective monitoring, the traditional choice of course is good. As the market continues to evolve and mature, in fact, a number of hotel sales depends on the operation of the middlemen, after all, the ultimate consumer of the hotel product (including display and potentially) a huge number and a wide dispersion, if the hotel direct channels alone consume a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, but the results may not achieve very good, because the transfer process of the production areas to consumption areas, play the role of a bridge connection. Due to the presence of middlemen, not only greatly simplifies the marketing procedures, saving the costs of marketing, has also expanded the scope of the marketing, thereby increasing the efficiency of marketing. The role of middlemen the hotel is mainly reflected in the following six areas:
   (1) improve the efficiency of the hotel product circulation
    Through the intervention of a hotel brokers, reduced the number of transactions, greatly improving the efficiency of product circulation. In this way, the middleman's intervention to help reduce the number of workload. The more the number of sellers and buyers, the hotel brokers involved in the reduction in the number of transactions and the total social labor saving more. This is the greatest contribution of the hotel brokers.
   (2) the total cost savings in sales
    Through intermediaries, to reduce the section between the hotel and the final consumer contact number of times, in particular, is to reduce the trans-regional contact, saving time and manpower, lower transaction costs, and improve economic efficiency. Assume that the hotel has three salespeople were responsible for the three target markets such as Europe, Korea and rely on direct sales nearly single international travel expenses, entertainment expenses, set up around the pre-sale point, operators use statistics already is very large. Strength through a travel agency intermediary for the hotel, just need the manpower, material and a good relationship with, and provide high quality products and services can be obtained as part of a stable source.
   (3) regulation of the contradictions between production and consumption
    Hotel brokers play a role of "reservoir" of social production. On the one hand, the hotel brokers exist source to ease the contradiction between supply and demand in respect of time, place and commodities number of types; the other hand, the existence of the hotel brokers for producers and consumers convenience. For consumers, the hotel brokers to act as their purchasing agent, hotel brokers can provide the required product at the right time and place, flexible payment options and conditions, as well as attentive service; For producers or trade enterprises, the existence of the hotel brokers hotel sales has been secured, reducing the distribution cost.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://www.yase884.cn 作者:先鋒)


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